Full Body Thermography
Thermography is not only for women, and goes beyond breast health. It is an adjunctive assessment tool for the whole body that can aid in the diagnosis and prognosis for many conditions and injuries including but not limited to: back injuries, Arthritis, Headache, Nerve Damage, Unexplained Pain, Fibromyalgia, Dental infection and TMJ, Artery inflammation, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Disc disease, Inflammatory pain, Skin Cancer, Sprain/Strain, Digestive disorders, as well as monitor therapy progress.
The body is scanned by regions of interest (ROI); 1. head/neck, 2. chest/upper back, 3, abdomen, 4. breasts, 5. arms/hands, 6. legs, 7. feet. Some of the fields that can benefit from thermography’s monitoring capabilities are rheumatology, neurology, physiotherapy, sports medicine, oncology, pediatrics and orthopedics, dentistry.

Should your thermogram show any indication of a condition outside of normal, our interpreting physicians’ report will include suggestions for supplemental diagnostic screenings. Rachel will review any important findings with you personally, offer whatever nutrition, stress-management, life style, yoga and meditation suggestions she believes may help and if needed give referrals to local physicians/specialists.
This inexpensive tool can identify “seedling” conditions that can potentially grow into more serious disease states, at a point when they are still malleable and easily treated by lifestyle change and other non-invasive therapies.